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Personal Development

‘If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.’

As mind and body are part of the same integrated system, we will

- Identify growth opportunities, physiologically and psychologically, via thorough investigations from functional medicine, clinical psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology.

- Learn to develop and implement personalized psychological, nutrition and lifestyle design and management plans.

- By acquiring and practicing psychological and physiological concepts and techniques, you will be equipped to achieve your set objectives.

By the end of the program you would be able to:

- Nourish naturally YOUR BODY, BRAIN and SOUL in a way that works for you;- Train YOUR BRAIN to think BIG and FAST.

- Feel, express, and manage EMOTIONS in a constructive way for yourself as well as your social relationships.

- Create and sustain YOUR nurturing natural HABITAT (home, office and beyond);- Design own PLAN, implement it with joy and be able to repeat the process in future life stages for healthy and active LONGEVITY.

- Make the most of YOUR human POTENTIAL in YOUR own NATURAL environment.

Over the course of a few months, in weekly sessions, either in person or via Zoom meetings, you will begin to build the best version of yourself.

Family/ Group and Relationships Development

‘The meaning of your communication is the response you get.’

As there are more than one person involved, there are more sides to the family/ group story. To develop a new family/ group story, we will:

- Investigate each side’s;- Identify growth opportunities at the individual as well as family/ group relationships level, using psychological assessments as well as clinical psychoneuroimmunology and functional medicine tools.

- Draw family/ groups’ psychological maps and compatibilities;- Develop plans to improve relationships via individual recovery and growth plans as well as joint family/ group interventions.

- Learn to decode and nurture healthy family/ group relationships and dynamics.

- Learn to trace and attribute social behaviors to psychological and physiological health profiles, detaching the person and their intentions from behaviors that may be the result of unknown or unmanaged health condition(s)!

By the end of the program, besides the Personal Development benefits (above), you would also be able to:

- Understand how own personality and behavior affect social interactions in general, and specifically with spouses, children, family at large/ in groups, and how to find effective communication ways with each.

- Create and sustain a FAMILY/ GROUP nurturing natural HABITAT (home/ work and beyond) for all members.

Over the course of a few months, in weekly sessions, either in person or via Zoom meetings, you, at personal as well as group level, begin to build harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships.

Before We Begin

To set realistic expectations before we begin our joined journey, 6 rules of engagement:


While I am committed to reading and translating relevant scientific literature into practice, I am not in the game of turning it into social media content.


Guiding you back to your own nature to be able to live a better today and plan a better way forward, I also take you (back) to reading, ideally daily for a few minutes. The reading is personalized to your specific needs, and it ranges from the scientific to the very accessible self-help type of literature.


I also strongly encourage you to get out in nature daily. If you can combine nature and reading, it is be even better! Nature and lecture are key factors of human progress!


However, I also curate and share relevant third-party (video) resources from the best authorities in the related fields, sparing you from burning a few neurons in the process of digging in the space of (ir)relevant content.


‘I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.’ Confucius

There are exercises, experiments, and practices that require attention, energy, and time. Make appropriate allocations for them.


Some of the new concepts and techniques may prove miraculous to you but, mostly, expect small steady progress, directly proportional to your attention, energy, and practice. The synergistic compound effect of good old and new daily practices would eventually be felt after a few months.

First, you un-learn the un-useful and limiting ‘truths’, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that brought you here. Then you replace those with new useful ones. This process may seem slow but, with your consistency, the recovery and growth journey will take less than the one to your current disease and/or stagnancy.