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Part 3 - Sugar: The Gut Microbiota

  • #Wellness

Sugar is the ‘high octane fuel’ for the ancient ‘car’ (human design 2.5 million years young!) that nowadays we want or feel forced to drive super-fast on a modern highway (modern lifestyle)!

Pause and read that again. Picture it in your mind!

If you cannot play the full movie of how sugar fuels the fast-paced modern lifestyle and literally burns down the body on the inside (sugar is fuel), try another imagination exercise: How would you drink water from a firehose? That is exactly what happens with the sugar intake from the modern diet! Too much, too fast, not just too unnecessary but making us choke and drown if we don’t switch off the tap!

Sugar (carbohydrates in general), being an energy source, not only energizes but fuels the internal small fire most people have – the low-grade inflammation, which unfortunately is part of modern life. Carbohydrates rich foods (carbs are present in all foods except eggs(!) increase the low-grade inflammation unnecessarily.

Sugar (carbohydrates) is also food for the nasty bacteria in the gut – dairy related and others, as well as creating the environment for cancer cells proliferation!

The only beneficial carbohydrates are those naturally occurring in plants and animal products, and even those in the right ratio, consumed before and with protein and lipids. One general rule to maintain steady blood glucose: every meal (no snacks in between meals required) should contain protein and lipids!



Weaning from gluten, dairy and sugar could be challenging, as we’re dealing with lots of living organisms that are already at war with each other for supremacy. They also try to control us to feed them what suits their species’ survival! However, there are physical and psychological ways to starve them off and allow our bodies and minds to heal from the damage they’re creating, though it will require discipline, work, patience, and professional assistance in some cases.

Important considerations:

  • Healing the gut from total elimination of gluten: up to 6 months!
  • Starving off the dairy bacteria: up to 3 months!
  • Sugar dependance/ addiction varies depending on its severity.
  • Best results: elimination of all at the same time to allow healing of the gut, digestion, and absorption of beneficial foods as well as supplements! If the gut is compromised, supplements do not get absorbed!

To really understand the severity of the TERRIBLE TRIO (Gluten, Dairy and Sugar), imagine that your GUT IS BROKEN (literally) by GLUTEN, then invaded and further WOUNDED by nasty DAIRY BACTERIA that fight for supremacy and eliminate digestion beneficial bacteria (and even migrate to other parts of the body, including the brain!), while the SUGAR adds more fuel to the omnipresent INTERNAL FIRE called low grade inflammation!

If you, God forbid, break your leg, how would you allow its healing? By ‘avoiding’ jumping or even walking on it? No, you’ll stay put in, most likely a cast, until new bone cells grow, and the leg is strong again… to walk first and then to perform other activities. And after healing it, would you subject your newly recovered leg to the same aggressors - things or activities - that caused the injury? You would, if you were the type of person who doesn’t learn from own experiences. But if you were a sane and wise person, you would stay away from circumstances that could cause injuries, to protect your leg’s integrity.

The same principals apply to GLUTEN, DAIRY and SUGAR consumption! If you cannot wean yourself on your own, you’re not weak or worthless! Everything in the environment works against your cleaning off the TERRIBLE TRIO! For most people it is a challenging journey. Hence, seek professional help to TERMINATE the TERRIBLE TRIO so you could live a FREE FULL LIFE!